Vincent GOUTTEBARGE – Amsterdam

Biography of vincent gouttebarge

Prof. Vincent Gouttebarge is a former professional footballer who played 14 seasons in France and The Netherlands (232 games; twice ACLR; twice concussion).
He is Extraordinary Professor at the Section Sports Medicine of the University of Pretoria but based at the Orthopaedic Surgery department of the Amsterdam University Medical Centers.
He is also working as Chief Medical Officer at FIFPRO (Football Players Worldwide).


Prof. Gouttebarge’s work focusses on a wide range of sports medicine domains being relevant in professional sports (emphasis on football), striving to protect and promote the physical, mental and social health of active and former professional athletes.


He is Chair of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Mental Health Working Group, co-Director of the IOC Programs on Mental Health in Elite Sport, member of the Concussion Expert Group of the International Football Association Board (The IFAB), and member of the Medical Expert Group of the French Professional Football League (LFP). Prof. Gouttebarge is also member of the Editorial Board of the South African Journal of Sports Medicine and Injury Epidemiology.