Sophie LECLERCQ – Louvain

Sophie Leclercq


Sophie Leclercq obtained her PhD in biomedical sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium) in 2014.

Her thesis was dedicated to the investigation of the link between the intestinal microbiota, the leaky gut, the inflammatory response and the psychological symptoms associated with alcohol use disorders.

She then moved to McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada) to study the effect of early life antibiotic and probiotic exposure on brain functions and behavior, in rodent models.

She is now research associate at UCLouvain and is in charge of clinical and preclinical studies aiming at investigating the communication pathways underlying gut-brain interactions in alcohol use disorders. She is also Professor of nutrition in the faculty of motor sciences at Université Libre de Bruxelles.


Role of the gut microbiota in the modulation of the gut-brain axis in alcohol use disorders: experimental approaches and clinical implications