Florence VORSPAN – Paris


Florence Vorspan is professor of Addictology, tenure (Université de Paris). She is a psychiatrist, specialized in addiction medicine, and holds a PhD in Pharmacology and a research supervision habilitation (HDR).

She runs the outpatient addiction program in Fernand Widal hospital (GHU.NORD, APHP University hospital Paris). She is the group leader of the Substance Abuse research group within the “Biomarkers of relapse and treatment response in Mood disorders and Addictions” team of the Inserm Unit 1144.

She is also the director of the FHU (fédération hospital-universitaire) NOR-SUD, Network of Research in Substance Use Disorders, a group of 12 medical facilities, 8 Research Units or Research groups from Inserm/CNRS/Institut Pasteur/Sorbonne Université/Université de Paris, and 4 non-profit organization ruling addiction care or harm reduction programs from Paris region. She is the author or co-author of 80 scientifc articles.